As of 1st July 2023, all restrictions in relations to limiting the spread of Covid19 within Europe has been lifted (as of today). You are probably reading this and thinking – well duh, it’s been three years however, I mean the project ‘Re-open EU’ has been discontinued and Europe is officially open to travellers around the world.
Re-open EU was a semi disaster preparedness plan EU countries (and close allies) adopted to ensure should another outbreak of Lady Rona occur. These will ensure that borders can be shut effectively and travel restrictions apply immediately without need for debates. There was so much uncertainty in early 2020 whilst Corona and her merry little band of variants were doing their world tour and governments around Europe (and the west in general) did not know what to do. The Caribbean showed their disaster preparedness plans were effective and they shut their borders with SWIFTNESS!
That being said over the course of July, I will be updating all the travel news and requirements for countries that I love. These will be countries around the world – not just Europe.
British citizens – although we are no longer part of the Schengen zone (shout out #brexit), remember when I told you about the ETIAS? If you have no idea what I am talking about click here. The operation for it is looking to start in early 2024 rather than November 2023. Don’t worry though; I have all the information and application requirements ready to be published as soon as the dates are announced.
Until then, book that flight and explore your backyard for free-ish (obviously I mean entry requirements)!
Love and Hugs,
Tillyah x